Brian Horn – Authority Newsjacking

Brian Horn – Authority Newsjacking

Brian Horn – Authority Newsjacking

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The Common Mental Block That’s Preventing You From Getting
Unlimited Exposure For Your Business…
And How Fix It Right Now

It can’t be that easy.

We tell ourselves that all the time.  We try to make easy things difficult.

I want to share one of my favorite stories about this topic that happens to involve the  legendary Betty Croker.

You see, back in the 1950’s Betty Crocker Foods had produced an instant cake-mix. All you needed to do was to add water to the supplied powder.

It was delicious, and made it very easy for a Mom to bake her family a fresh cake in a fraction of the time to make it from scratch.

The problem was that the miracle mixture did not sell.


Well, the conclusion of the psychoanalysts that she employed was that the average American housewife suconciously felt she was deceiving her family and friends into thinking she had worked hard for them when, in fact, she had done very little work.  She felt there was something wrong with it because it was too easy.

To get through this “mental block” they made a small change to the recipe.  They removed the powdered egg from the mix, and had the customers simply add a real egg.

The cake’s taste wasn’t improved, but by complicating the process just a little bit, the customer could satisfy her guilt.

The cake mix became a huge hit and still is today.

In that example, the housewives had the “this is too easy, so there must be something wrong with it” mental block.

We entrepreneurs have that same devestating block too. We just LOVE to make simple things difficult.

I’m guilty too.  🙂

Once you realize that the need to “add an egg” is nothing more than a mental block in your own head…you can move past it easily.

The technique I’m about to share with you, will stir up those same thoughts of “this is too easy” that have caused you either make things difficult, or even lose opportunities in the past.

And here it is…

You can get national media exposure anytime you want; and you don’t even need a journalist.

Strange, but absolutely true.

Think about it…the media landscape for entrepreneurs has totally changed.

The three largest press release distribution services (PR Newswire, BusinessWire, and Marketwire) sent out roughly 642,000 press releases in 2013. That’s about 1,759 press releases a day.

Additionally, the ranks of journalists continue to decline. The number of reporters toiling in newsrooms is actually lower today than in 1978 and continues to shrink every year.

This means more press releases than ever are raining down on fewer and fewer journalists.

When distribution of the press release reached only professional journalists, they enjoyed a free lunch. With little effort, they could write stories based on a press release from an entrepreneur like you, and those stories appeared fresh to their readers because they couldn’t find them elsewhere.

This advantage disappeared recently when press release distribution services started directly publishing press releases to the masses via the Internet.

No matter how clever your hook is, no matter how great your news is…you will almost never get a journalist to write a story about your business.

All your press releases will just disappear into the digital blackhole of the internet, costing you a fortune in lost time and money.

But what if we look at the journalists as merely “middle men” and not the goal?

The real goal should be two things:    EXPOSURE and AUTHORITY POSITIONING.

Well, we cracked the code on delivering those 2 things anytime we want, without having to hope some journalist will run our story.

…and not just for ourselves, but for our clients too.

And now I invite you to take advantage of what we’ve learned writing and distributing thousands of stories in a style we call “AUTHORITY NEWS JACKING“.

If I could show you how to get news about your company published on national media sites anytime you want, that will in turn give you…

  • Unlimited exposure on high traffic national media sites, that will keep your business in front of (and in the minds of)  your prospects
  • Powerful expert positioning you can use in marketing for years to come

… is there ANY REASON you wouldn’t want to know about it?

Get this course at here:

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