Cash Money Affiliate

Cash Money Affiliate

Cash Money Affiliate

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Offers Don’t Burn Out But Angles Do

I’ve lost count of the amount of new, aspiring, mobile affiliates that contact me stating with 100% conviction that a hot offer no longer converts because everyone else is running it, or they were running it, and then over a few weeks it burnt out.

Here’s a tip for all you who have stated or experienced the above: “You can still make a ton of money promoting a popular offer or revive an old campaign by coming up with new and original angles.”

For example, if there is a popular antivirus cost-per-install offer being promoted I can bet my left nipple that 99% of affiliates will be running the same angle, which would probably be like: “You may have a virus, scan your phone”.

Do not get me wrong, it’s a good angle, but with every affiliate running that angle taking an extra few minutes to brainstorm a few original angles of your own can pay dividends, so instead of the “You may have a virus scan your phone” angle, you could experiment with others such as:

Poor Signal? Scan for viruses

Protect your privacy! Remove malware

Before I run any offer in any vertical I always have a list of ten more angles I could test, and there have been many times where I have tested the first two angles with no success, but the third angle ends up doing incredibly well.

Hopefully by reading this you have learned that instead of complaining about a popular offer being burnt out or a old campaign no longer converting, it is better to try and experiment with a couple of different angles, instead of the standard generic runs being run by everyone else.

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