Connection Program-Mark Manson

Jaron Lanier – Who Owns the Future?


Mark Manson – Connection Program

Connection Program-Mark Manson

Discover the secret to fascinating conversations and creating life-changing connections. Stop running out of things to say and begin having conversations you wish would never end instead. Go from desperately dull dates to relating on a deeper level than you ever thought possible. Why is it worth becoming a good conversationalist and connecting? Many of us go through-out life relating to others only on a surface level; we have shallow, unmemorable conversations about the weather, ask questions we don’t really care about hearing the answers to, and value politeness over honest and interesting communication.

Learning to develop conversation skills will make your life immeasurably more interesting, as you learn to open up about what makes you an exciting, unique person, and encouraging others to do the same. If you feel like you couldn’t go on another dull, polite date without tearing your eyes out, or just want to stop making everyday small talk with the world around you, it’s time to change the nature of your interactions forever.

Beyond that, learning to connect on a deep emotional level will expose you to the possibility of a more fulfilling, enriched way of life. Stop feeling like you’re holding yourself back from truly letting people see who you are, and start sharing an unapologetically passionate you instead.
Who is this program for?

It’s for anyone who wants to have more deep, meaningful connections with the people they date and people in general.
It’s for anyone who struggles to come up with interesting conversation, whether on a date or in general, who worries that they’ll run out of things to say and that the conversation will come to a grinding halt.
It’s for anyone who wants to be more fascinating, to be memorable, and to know ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’.
It’s for anyone who wants their conversations, dates, and any other interaction to go from boring and logical to emotional and passionate.
It’s for anyone who wants to stop staying inside their own heads, become more involved with what’s happening right in front of them and ‘be in the moment’.

10 Things You Will Learn From The Connection Program

The principles behind emotionally powerful conversations
Real techniques you can use to ‘Win Friends and Influence People’
What you need to know to stop worrying about what to say next and sustain lasting conversations instead
How you can open yourself up to create deep and meaningful connections with other people
What will get you out of your head and stop you from worrying about whether others like you and what they think of you
How to discover the passion within that will make you a fascinating person
The techniques of storytelling that can make interesting conversation flow for hours
What makes a good listener and how to get other people to open up to you
Make your dates go better. Stop having ‘interviews’ and start having fun
How to be in the moment and enjoy the full experience of each interaction you have
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