Freelance Domination 2.0

Freelance Domination 2.0

Freelance Domination 2.0

Freelance Domination 2.0

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Imagine How It Would Feel To Get Checks Like This Mailed To You Every Single Month — For Doing Work That You Love, On Your Own Time, From Anywhere In The World…

This check for $6,450 is only the downpayment on a $13,000 freelance project — and nope, it’s not mine — it was mailed directly to one of my students after she successfully negotiated a five-figure deal using material from my premium course.

Keep reading to learn how  Freelance Domination 2.0 can teach you how to start and grow a profitable freelance business with skills you already have. (Soon, it’ll be your name on that check ;p)

With Freelance Domination 2.0, You Will Learn…

  • How to find a profitable skill that you know people will pay for — even if you don’t think you have any good ideas
  • Where to find clients who will pay premium prices for your work (both online and offline), and how to craft killer proposals that get the job every time
  • How to quickly scale your freelancing business to $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 or more every single month
  • Advanced strategies for creating an endless “funnel” of high-paying clients, and outsourcing the projects so that you can be “hands off” if you choose

“Which Rafter Should I Hang Myself From?”

In Late 2011, I realized that if I stayed at my dead end restaurant job one more day, I was probably going to hang myself from the charming, antique oak rafters of that God-forsaken steakhouse.

Not to be grim — but that’s simply how I felt.



All viable options at one point…

I wasn’t in any serious danger of hurting myself (you don’t need to email me…really). But I was EXTREMELY fed up.

I was so TIRED with being limited to a meager paycheck when everything I wanted to do with my life required two things I didn’t have:

  • More free time
  • A lot more money

Now remember, this was 2011 and I’d just seen The Social Network. I was pretty juiced up, imagining that if I just had “the perfect idea”…or could somehow re-do everything and go to Harvard…I could be the next Zuckerberg and finally create something I loved that actually made money.

So I did a lot of meditating. And deep thinking. And agonizing. I was looking for that million-dollar idea. I prayed to a few different gods.

I even went to a psychic to help pull it out of me.

(Serious. Like…not a joke. I was looking for a screenshot of the receipt to show you, but my bank account won’t go back that far.)

3 months later, I was still at the restaurant begrudgingly scooping butter balls into plastic ramekins for pre-diabetics who shouldn’t have been eating that food anyway…when it hit me….

“I don’t need to come up with a new idea. I can just do something I’m ALREADY good at.”

It sounds like a shallow, obvious realization…but at the time, it was like it was like Harry Potter walked into my brain and turned the mother f***ing switch on.


If you don’t get the reference, you’re lamer than I am for making it

Fast forward to one year later and I’d started not one…but TWO profitable freelance businesses — a college admissions prep firm (offline) and a web design company (online).

Each generated THOUSANDS of dollars every month, while allowing me the freedom to schedule my life how I wanted. The restaurant was a distant memory.


I fell victim to TWO HUGE ROADBLOCKS along the way that almost took me down.

Chances are, if you’re on this journey, you will run into them as well.

Keep reading.

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