TeamTreeHouse – Build an Interactive Website

TeamTreeHouse – Build an Interactive Website

TeamTreeHouse – Build an Interactive Website

Name Product: TeamTreeHouse – Build an Interactive Website

COST: Membership site
Size: 579 MB

This project will walk us through the basics of jQuery and javascript and add interactivity to the Smells Like Bakin’ website. javascript is the interactivity or behavioral layer of a website’s front end and is used to add polish and enhance the user experience.
Introduction to jQuery

javascript is used to add interactivity to the front end of a website. javascript works slightly differently in each browser, so to smooth out some of those inconsistencies, we’re going to use jQuery, a javascript framework.
Form Validation and Manipulation

jQuery offers a range of methods to detect when a user interacts with a form, we’ll be using these methods in conjunction with other jQuery methods to add some browser-based validation to a simple contact form.
jQuery Plugins

The jQuery community is a very active place, with hundreds if not thousands of developers contributing reusable code, known as plugins, to be used in your projects.
Google Maps Integration

Google Maps offers two ways to add maps to your site, static and dynamic. We’ll cover the basics of both and add some markers too.
Customizing Google Maps

We’ll be going further into the Google Maps API and introducing things like custom markers and info windows.

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